About Us
STEA S.r.l. operates in the field of integrated technological services aimed at saving energy.
Designs, manufactures and installs space heating and district cooling substations, offering contracts for energy services with special attention to the rational use of energy and saving solutions and energy efficiency (thermal and electric). Stea is certified UNI-EN-ISO 9001, UNI CEI 11352, ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001 and SOA for the main categories in public procurement.

Energy Efficiency
Certified application of new technologies and modern equipment for reduction of energy consumption and savings directly to the customer.

Energy Service
The Energy Service Contract promotes energy saving through reduction of consumption needed to maintain comfort.
District Heating Substations
District Heating Substations for processing fluid from district heating plant into space heating and domestic hot water.

CO.S.FEN group the follwing companies Fen Energia S.p.A. – STEA S.r.l. – Evolve S.r.l. – Mieci S.p.A., forming a consolidated economic operator in the Energy Services market with aggregate turnover of over 140 million euro and over 90 direct employees.
Companies have the following business certifications:
- UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System certification
- UNI EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification
- ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management System certification
- Energy Services (ESCo) UNI CEI 11352 certification
CO.S.FEN owns the SOA Attestation in following categories and rankings: OG 1 cl. IV, OG 9 cl. IV, OG 10 cl. IV, OG 11 cl. VI, OS 3 cl. III-Bis and OS 28 cl. V.